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1. How to create a Campaign?

Steps to be followed:

Step 1: Go to Campaign.

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Step 2: Click on "Create Campaign" button.

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Step 3: Enter the Campaign Name.

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Step 4: Select the WhatsApp Business API number .

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Step 5:There are two ways to choose a message.

  • Message Template
  • Session Message

Step 5.1: Select the "Template"

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Step 5.2: Click on "Select Template".

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Step 5.3: Select the "Message Template" from the list and click on "Next".

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Step 5.4: After selecting the template, click on select template on "TopRight" to complete the step.

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  • Selecting Session message

Step 5.1: Select the "Session Message".

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Step 5.2: Click on "Click to write a session message".

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Step 5.3: Write a session message and click on "Continue".

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Step 6: There are two ways to import the contants.

  • Importing contacts through "CSV"
  • Contacts and CRM

Step 6.1: Selecting the contact by CSV.

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Step 6.2: Click on "Import contacts from CSV".

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Step 6.3: After selecting the file click on "Import contacts" to complete the step.

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  • Selecting contacts from "Contacts & CRM"

Step 6.1: Selecting the contacts by "Contact and CRM".

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Step 6.2: Click on "Select contacts from Contact & CRM", apply the required filters by using custom fields and labels and click on "Next".

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Step 7: There are two ways to Schedule Campaign.

  • Immediate mode
  • Schedule later

Step 7.1: Scheduling Campaign through "Immediate" mode.

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Campaigns which are selected as immediate mode will be send immediately to selected contacts


Step 7.1: Scheduling Campaign through "Schedule later" mode.

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Step 7.2: Select the date and time to complete the step .

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