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1. How to add Subscribe in ChatBot?

When using a messaging bot, you can add required actions to the flow in the chatbot, such as subscribe, unsubscribe, set custom fields, call custom webhooks, and wait for user input.


To implement a subscription action in a WhatsTool Business API chatbot, you can use pre-approved message templates that contain the required text for subscription messages. You can create a message template / bot message for your subscription message that includes parameters such as the Buissness, the sender name, and other required information you want to provide for customer.

Subscription: When a user sends a message to your WhatsApp Business number with a keyword like "subscribe" or "join", your chatbot can respond with a message that includes a call-to-action and a link to your subscription form.

For example, your chatbot might respond with a message like:

"Thanks for your interest in our newsletter! To subscribe, please click on the link below and fill out the form. Once you've completed the form, you'll start receiving our newsletter. {Subscription link}"

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