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2. What are the use of private notes?

Private notes in WhatsTool Business Chat section can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as:

Reminders: You can use private notes to add reminders or notes to yourself about specific chats. For example, you can add a note to follow up with a particular customer on a specific date.

Context: Private notes can also be used to provide context to a particular chat. For instance, you can add a note to a chat reminding you that this customer has a specific issue or inquiry.

Collaboration: If you're working in a team, private notes can be a useful way to collaborate with your team members. You can add notes to a chat that can be viewed by your team members, helping to keep everyone on the same page.

Organization: Private notes can also help you stay organized by keeping important information about your chats in one place. This can be particularly helpful if you have a lot of chats to manage.

Overall, private notes in WhatsTool Business Chat section can help you be more efficient and effective in managing your chats and customer interactions.